National Assembly for Wales / Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Health and Social Care Committee / Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol


Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill / Bil Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Gofal Cymdeithasol (Cymru)

Evidence from ategi Shared Lives Scheme – RISC 15 / Tystiolaeth gan ategi Shared Lives Scheme – RISC 15


                      Shared Lives Scheme

                           Supporting people to live their lives

                         Cefnogi pobl i fyw eu bywydau


21st April 2015


Consultation response to the inspection and social care Bill (Wales) from the ategi Shared Lives Scheme




Shared Lives also known as Adult Placement, arrangements are provided by individuals and families (Shared Lives Carers) in local communities. The ategi Shared Lives Scheme is registered with CSSIW. We recruit the individuals, couple or families and undertake a rigorous assessment process with them including references, CRB checks and induction training before they become approved Shared Lives Carers.


Our 165 approved Shared Lives Carers in Cardiff RCT, Swansea, NPT and Bridgend provide a range of services to vulnerable and disabled adults that includes including:

§ Long term accommodation and support

§ Short breaks

§ Day time support

§ Rehabilitative or intermediate support


The main feature that distinguishes Shared Lives from other kinds of support is that, whatever the service provided by the Shared Lives Carer, the person being supported has the opportunity to share the Carer’s family life and be part of their social networks. The relationships that develop are committed and consistent and highly valued by both the person receiving the services and the Shared Lives Carers. 


Shared Lives is a regulated service under Adult Placement regulations, with minimum standards enforced by government inspectors.


In an excellent Shared Lives scheme:


The ategi Shared Lives Scheme is a strong and committed provider of Shared Lives Services. We respond to this consultation to confirm our general support for the main aims of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care in Wales Bill which is to:



In supporting the Bill we ask that the work of Shared Lives Carers is strongly considered when developing a new approach to inspection of services and that any changes to not have a detrimental effect on the valuable work of Shared Lives Carers in Wales. We at ategi worked hard with colleagues across Wales through Shared Lives Plus (formerly NAAPS Cymru) and within the Welsh Government to ensure that a full understanding of the Shared Lives Carer role influenced the appropriate inspection of Shared Lives provision. The results have been largely successful in the 10 or so years since the introduction of regulations for Adult Placements (2004) Wales.

We support the idea that inspections should seek the views of people using Shared Lives Services but that Shared Lives Schemes should also be measured on their approach to and support of Shared Lives Carers. This would lead to an approach where services are inspected on the outcomes for service users and Shared Lives Carers.

We would hope that the Health and Social Care Committee will work positively with all providers of services in Wales to develop a new approach to inspecting services including Shared Lives Plus – the member organisation for Shared Lives providers. Colin Batten is the Shared Lives Plus Development Worker in Wales and should be consulted with on behalf of the growing number of Shared Lives Carers in Wales.

Yours sincerely


Tim Southern – ategi CEO